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Electronic Funds Transfer

For electronic fund transfer information, contact Eric Eiteljorg at [email protected] or call (720) 323-3608.

Donor Information

For donation-related questions, including a donation summary statement for taxes or to cancel or change your monthly donation, contact [email protected] or call (815) 980-9252.

Mile High 360’s's Tax ID
Make checks payable to: Mile High 360
Mile High 360 is a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) organization

Mailing Address
Mile High 360
PO Box 40160
Denver, CO 80204-0160 USA

Donor Privacy Policy
Mile High 360 values the privacy of our donors. Donor information is kept strictly confidential. We do not sell, rent, or trade the names of our donors. We will not share or sell donor personal information with any third party, nor send donor mailing on behalf of other organizations. Donor contact information is kept in a password-protected database on a secure network. Credit card donations are processed by a reputable e-commerce provider on a secure, encrypted website and credit card numbers are not retained in the Mile High 360 offices.